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Solder Ball on Flat Surface

Soldering Ball on Flat Surface Tip

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Solder ball on a flat surface

A soldering tip on how to solder a round shape such as a ball or bead onto a flat surface. 

Solder Ball to Flat Surface - Prepare the bead and solder

Take a ball in this case 1mm in size and the minimum necessary amount of solder.

Solder ball on flat surface with flux

Place the ball on top of the solder and flux.

Solder ball on flat surface with indentation

Make an indentation in the flat surface with a ball frazer.

Solder ball to flat surface

The ball shows the minimum solder flow on half the surface.

Solder ball on flat plate surface

Place the ball with solder in contact with the indentation. Flux and heat  to soldering temperature.  

Solder ball on flat surface with minimum solder

Ball soldered in with no excess solder on flat surface.

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